RIP Another one lost. Just hearing of this a week or so late. 

RIP Don Davis

There are a few names that loom large among old school audio engineers.  Long before commodity, off the shelf gear and systems, there were folks who applied basic principals; science, math, engineering, and a fair dose of gut instinct.  Don wasn’t just one of them, he was their teacher.  Eternal rest grant unto him, O […]

Nefarious and despicable…

I’m too busy (and maybe lazy) to keep this site as up to date as I’d like. But, there’s another reason as well. There is a constant barrage of attacks on the site (along with other wordpress sites imagine). So much so that at one point my site was overwhelmed with malicious code and was […]

Thoughts on streaming and net distribution…

In my own work, in booth live event production, and general purpose audio engineering/recording I am increasingly required to provide either a live feed for streaming, or a recorded file for later upload to stream on demand. Sometimes this is an audio only stream, often part of a video stream. Unfortunately the people providing the […]

100 years…

may seem like a long time to some. But, it’s really just a drop in the ocean of history. Yet that’s just how long this business we’re in has existed. 100 years since the very first use of electrical sound reinforcement gave us the name “Magnavox”. 100 YEARS & COUNTING